Automatic non-destructive three-dimensional acoustic coring system for in situ detection of aquatic plant root
Katsunori Mizuno - The University of Tokyo
(in lingua inglese)
We developed and tested a non-destructive 3D acoustic coring system under the water bottom. A field test was conducted in a pond and the system worked without any problems arising. The measurement system can gather information under the water bottom and reconstruct the spatial status. The present study confirmed that the natural lotus root (diameter of 0.020–0.025 m) can be detected using the acoustic coring method. The measurement system is a versatile tool for the detection of lotus, the spread of which is an environmental problem in eutrophied lakes.

Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2016
Parole chiave: Controlli non distruttivi
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