Emergency lighting cabinet for fire safety learning
César Martín-Gómez - Universidad de Navarra
(in lingua inglese)
To ensure students understanding of the content, as well as the maintenance of the cabinets, operational protocols in both Spanish and English have been written. Both languages were included because it was expected to achieve the widest possible distribution of this tool, which is intended for use by non-experts and is open to continuous improvement from other working groups with similar concerns. Thus, the tests always follow the same specific logical order, both for student practice and for anyone else who uses them. To ensure the learn through hands-on experience the groups are of less than eight, they meet in groups of less than eight, everyone can practice following the guidelines of the protocols.

Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Fire Safety, 2015
Settori: Safety
Parole chiave: Safety
- RS Italia
- Pagano Saverio
- Trans Audio Video
- Matteo Marconi